Support Services Advisory Group


Welcome to SSAGE!
Welcome to SSAGE! We meet every third Friday of the month. All meetings are open to the public and we welcome and value your ideas. SSAGE members are volunteer students, staff, parents and community members who work together to bring creative ideas to promote the best services to benefit all children in Eatonville School District.

Please contact SSAGE representatives from your child’s school if you would like more information, want to become involved or are not able to attend meetings, but still want to contribute your ideas. They would be happy to share with you information about SSAGE and also listen to your ideas or suggestions.

Purpose of SSAGE

To involve parents, district staff and community TOGETHER to work on improving and enhancing services for all children in our district. ALL have unique, valued perspectives and expertise that need to be shared, so we can better serve and meet the needs of all students, their families and staff.

  • Delineate the scope of support services programs
  • Identify the needs of each support services program
  • Improve articulations between various levels of support services programs
  • Make recommendations for support services and district improvements
  • Improve communications, involvement and partnerships between schools and community

All ESD students, parents of students, teachers & classified staff, district administrative staff, and the community at large.

  • Board appointed committee subject to the Open Public Meetings Act (OPMA)
  • Maintain confidentiality through FERPA and HIPAA protections. No personal issues will be addressed.
  • Membership:
  • Not formally elected to positions
  • Everyone present at meetings “has a voice” in decision making and recommendations.
  • Commit for minimum of one year of attendance and involvement
  • Chair position to be elected by SSAGE membership at beginning of each year
  • ESD School Board will be informed of chair appointments.
  • Chair, or designee, responsible for:
  • Provide annual written report to the school board that identifies current status, issues identified and addressed, solutions developed, and recommendations.
  • Maintain and publish agendas and minutes, including attendance, for all meetings.