Native American Education Program
Dear Families,
We invite you to an upcoming Native Education Meeting.
When: Monday, April 29th from 5pm until 6pm
Where: Eatonville High School Portable 5
Why: We are working on a grant to secure additional funding for the program. Holding this meeting is a requirement for us to complete the grant. Additionally, it is also to have parents express the needs they see for the grant as well. We need a quorum sign in (50% plus one) to be submitted for the processing of the grant.
We hope to see you there.
The Native American Education Program is funded through a Title VI grant through the Department of Education.
These funds are used to provide services and activities within the Native American Education Program. This grant is up for renewal each year. The Title VI Indian Education Program is provided to Native American/Alaska Native students to fulfill the U.S. Government’s treaty obligations to Native People as referenced in Article 6, Section 2 of the Constitution.
Outside funding from Native American tribes and charities is also sought to fund activities within this program.
The Native American Education Program serves students who have Native American/Alaskan Native heritage.
Non-Native students may also participate in the program.
Native American Education Program
Deb Noble Perry, Program Manager
200 Lynch Street W.
P.O. Box 698
Eatonville, WA 98328
Activities within the Native American Program
This program supports our Native American/Alaska Native students K-12 through various opportunities to engage in cultural activities/projects, scholarships and support in helping our Native students achieve their educational and life goals as well as support to their families. Students and their families may also receive assistance in the form of social services to help relieve situations that contribute to school related problems.
Culture Based Education
Research on Culture Based Education (Demmert & Towner, 2003) has shown that Native American/Alaska Native students who have the opportunity to learn about their culture and have this connection to their school community increase their self-esteem and are far more successful in graduating.
Culture usually refers to group ways of thinking and living. At the most specific level, it is a group’s “design for living” (Nobles, 1985); it includes the shared knowledge, consciousness, skills, values, expressive forms, social institutions, and behavior that enable their survival as a people.
Culture-based education is the grounding of instruction and student learning in the values, norms, knowledge, beliefs, practices, and language that are the foundation of a culture (Kana‘iaupuni & Kawai‘ae‘a, 2008)
How to Join
To participate in the Native American Education Program check with your child's school. There is no blood quantum requirement nor do you have to be registered with your tribe. You do need to know the name of the tribe you have heritage in, so you can fill out the 506 form.
Tremendous thanks to David Wuller from furniture, repair, and restoration who donated his time and materials to reframe rainmaker for the Native Education Program.
Ms. Noble-Perry is excited to display this artwork in her portable as she takes the lead of the district’s Native Education program.