Eatonville School District's libraries offer many resources that are accessible whether you are at school, home, or anywhere else with internet access. These resources are diverse, balanced and accessible to every student. To find them, go to the Eatonville School District Library catalog, select the school of your choice, and click the link. From here, you can scroll through the selected school's home page or catalog, where you can browse the library collection.
The Eatonville School District Library Information & Technology (LIT) Program ensures that members of our school community are effective and efficient users and producers of information and ideas. The Eatonville Library, Information and Technology Program is focused on 21st century skills and a Future Ready library model. Within this model, the teacher-librarian provides three essential functions as defined by the Washington Library Media Association's (WLMA) Library Information and Technology (LIT) Framework.
Christian Tonkinson
200 Lynch Street W.
PO BOX 698
Eatonville, WA 98328
(360) 879-1225
(360) 879-1812 (Fax)
Eatonville Library Catalogs
1. Information & Technology Instruction
- Leads information literacy instruction including evaluation and analysis of the credibility, relevance, and currency of information
- Coaches instructional staff in support of curriculum, information technology, and information management
- Teaches students to be critical consumers and producers of information
- Teaches students and staff to use emerging learning technologies for school and lifelong learning
- Teaches students to be safe, ethical, and responsible digital citizens
- Follows ISTE standards
2. Reading Advocacy
- Establishes and models a powerful, fashionable, and ubiquitous culture of reading in the school community
- Motivates and guides students to read for enjoyment and understanding
- Develops a relevant collection of fiction and non-fiction in a variety of formats, ensuring quality reading choices for all students
- Manages resources in support of established curriculum and student passions
3. Information Management Services
- Provides open and equitable access to resources, technology, and information services for the entire school community
- Develops and administers inviting and effective physical and digital library environments
- Manages resources to support teaching and learning
- Administers information management systems to support student learning and school and district programs