Levy Information

You're invited to join Superintendent Brower and the Board of Directors for a Community Forum Work Study Meeting focused on the District's Capital Facilities Plan. Please join us on Wednesday, May 29th at 7pm. The meeting will be held in the high school auditorium. 

With the recent approval of the new, 6-year Capital Projects Levy in February, funds are scheduled to start arriving in 2025. The District intends to outline its initial plans for fund allocation, in accordance with the commitments made to taxpayers during the February Election. Additionally, input is sought on the priority projects that will benefit from these Capital Funds.

Agenda items for the meeting include discussions on the replacement of the EHS Track and Field, improvements to elementary playgrounds, Clean Buildings Act upgrades and the provision of student devices.

Community Forum


Post Levy FAQs

Elections results are officially certified: 

  • The EP&O levy (Proposition 1) passed with 57.97% yes votes.

  • The Capital Projects Levy (Proposition 2) passed with 57.29% yes votes.

We appreciate your continued support of our schools and our community. 

Thank you, Voters

Levy Information December 2023

Levy Results February 2024

Learn More

Setting up students for success - what your levy does!