The presentations and flyers below are a resource for families dealing with Harassment, Intimidation and Bullying. An Introductory Comparison Chart: Although harassment, intimidation and bullying are closely related, they are not the same. This chart from The Safety Center will help differentiate one from another.
- What is Bullying?: OSPI presentation covers the differences in bullying and other forms of conflict.
- Providing Support to Children Who Are Bullied: This flyer from the Health Resources Services Administration provides tips for providing support to children who are bullied.
- Tips to Prevent & Address Bullying: This flyer from the Office of the Education Ombudsman provides tips for families to prevent and address bullying.
- Best Practices Bullying Prevention was presented by Dr. Susan Limber of Clemson University, as part of a February 17,2012, webinar made available through the American School Health Association.
Bullying Prevention & Intervention: OSPI presentation provides a general background into bullying and harassment prevention and intervention.