EES Daily Schedule (M, Tu, Th, F)
8:00 AM School Starts
8:05 AM Late Bell
8:25-8:55 2nd/3rd ELA Intervention
9:00-9:40 3rd Specialist
9:00-9:30 4th/5th ELA Intervention
9:05-9:45 5th Specialist
9:35-9:50 K-2 Intramurals
9:55-10:25 Kinder/1st ELA Intervention
10:40-11:20 4th Specialist
10:30-10:50 Kinder and 1st Grade Lunch
10:50-11:20 Kinder and 1st Grade Recess
11:00-11:20 2nd and 3rd Grade Lunch
11:20-11:50 2nd and 3rd Grade Recess
11:30-11:50 4th and 5th Grade Lunch
11:50-12:20 4th and 5th Grade Recess
12:05-12:45 Kindergarten Specialist
12:25-12:55 4th/5th Math Intervention
12:50-1:30 2nd Grade Specialist
1:00-1:30 Kinder/1st Math Intervention
1:35-1:50 3-5 Intramurals
1:40-2:20 1st Grade Specialist
1:55-2:25 2nd/3rd Math Intervention
2:30 PM School Ends/Dismissal