Chromebook and Digital Device Handbook
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Chromebook and Digital Device Handbook 2024-2025
Student Use Agreement
Eatonville School District Technology Student Use Agreement
Eatonville School District believes that technology allows for unique opportunities for students to learn, innovate, create,communicate, collaborate, and more. Along with these remarkable advantages, the use of technology also provides an opportunity for students to demonstrate being a thoughtful, responsible digital citizen.
This document outlines expectations for the responsible use of the District's technology resources. We ask that guardians please read through this document and consider your role in supporting the responsible use of technology and review and discuss this document with your student(s).
Digital User Handbook: Digital Handbook 2024-25 Final
Responsibilities of the District:
The District will provide a Device that is in satisfactory working order.
The District will be responsible for the repair of devices with nonfunctioning internal parts.
School staff will monitor student use of District technology.
Responsibilities of the Student and Guardian:
Guardians are responsible for monitoring student use of technology when accessing away from school.
Students are responsible for their own behavior and devices at all times.
There will be no fee for the first accidental damage to district equipment if coverage has been paid. coverage needs to be paid within 30 days of the device checkout to students. Repeated accidental damage to a device will result in fees for the cost of repairs and parts.
The Device should only be used by the student to whom it has been assigned.
The Device must be returned to the District when requested by the District to do so.
Google Workspace for Education:
Eatonville School District provides Google Workspace for Education accounts for students which include education productivity tools that facilitate collaboration and communication among students and staff when creating, sharing and storing documents, assignments, websites, etc. online. Each of the tools can be accessed from any Internet connection at school, home, phone, etc. Eatonville School District's Google apps include Google Docs, Calendar, Slides, Sheets, Drawings, Forms, Sites, Gmail and Classroom.
Keeping your student safe: Student safety is our highest priority. In addition to Google's Terms of Service, the Eatonville School District Student Acceptable Use Policy below applies.
Student Technology Use Policy
The user must use Eatonville School District technology for its intended purpose - to support and enhance learning.
The user will follow all laws and Eatonville School District District policies in the use of District hardware and software, including copyright laws.
Eatonville School District accounts are assigned to individuals and may not be shared. This means that the user will not let others use their account to access Eatonville School District technology or the Internet.
The user will protect their safety by never revealing their personal address and phone number or those of other students or colleagues.
The user shall have no expectation of privacy when using District technology and the District reserves the right to monitor all usage.
District technology may not be used for unlawful purposes or to download, order for print, or otherwise transmit or communicate any material that is obscene, offensive, pornographic, sexually suggestive, deceptive, harassing, threatening, menacing, abusive, harmful, an invasion of privacy, defamatory, libelous, violent or hatred against another person or group of persons with regard to race, color, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, religion, national origin, age, marital status, disability, or other protected classes.
District technology may not be used for commercial purposes, advertising, personal financial gain, or political campaigning.
The user will not modify technology equipment (hardware or software) without permission.
The user is aware that any deliberate attempt to degrade or disrupt technology performance by spreading computer viruses is considered criminal activity by state and federal law.
The user understands that Eatonville School District makes no warranties of any kind, whether expressed or implied, for the service it is providing. The District will not be responsible for any damages a user suffers including loss of data resulting from delays, nondeliveries, mis-deliveries, or service interruptions caused by the district's own errors or omissions. Use of any information obtained via the Internet is at the user's own risk. Eatonville School District specifically denies any responsibility for the accuracy or quality of information obtained through its services. Access to Eatonville School District technology is considered a privilege accorded at the discretion of the Eatonville School District . The district maintains the right to immediately withdraw access when there is reason to believe that violations of law or district policies have occurred. In such cases, the alleged violation will be referred to the principal for further investigation and account restoration, suspension, or termination.
Eatonville School District will support students with a one to one device for learning. More than three damaged devices turned in for repair will result in the student receiving only a “loaner” device to be checked out and checked in at the end of each day for the remainder of the school year.
Parent Name: ___________________________________________________________ Signature_______________________________________________ Date__________
Student Name: __________________________________________________________
Signature _______________________________________________ Date__________
Revised 9/15/23