Free and Reduced Priced Meals

National School Lunch Program (NSLP)

Schools send free & reduced meal applications home at the beginning of each school year. However, Free & Reduced Applications are available throughout the school year and can be obtained from your:

  1. Schools' Main Office
  2. District Office
  3. Website

Once the application is turned in, it is good for the entire school year. Only one (1) application per family is necessary. Students on Free & Reduced Lunches are also entitled to a Free & Reduced Breakfast. K-3 reduced does not have to pay for Breakfast or Lunch, 4-12 Reduced Breakfast is free and Lunch is $0.40.

If you are earning at or below current income eligibility guidelines, we encourage you to contact your school to fill out a school meal application. The local education agency (district office) will process your application and issue an eligibility determination.

If you are receiving Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP/TANF/FDPIR) benefits, your child automatically qualifies for free school meals. Please contact the district office if you have any questions and to determine if you need to fill out an application.

Nutrition program benefits and services are available to all children without regard to gender, race, age or national origin. See below for Letter to Households and Free & Reduced Meal Application. For additional information regarding the Eatonville School District nutrition program please contact District Office at (360) 879-1000.

Please Note: Free and reduced lunch applications need to be submitted each year and are due by three weeks after the start of school, for returning families.

Letter to Households and Application

Free and Reduced Lunch Application

Consent to Share