Accounts Payable and Purchasing
Per Diem
Per diem is only available when requesting one week in ADVANCE of scheduled event. If you do not arrange for per diem prior to your event, you will need to submit an expense report with your receipts for reimbursement.
Q1: What is per diem?
A1: Per diem is a method of providing reimbursement for meals consumed by a person who is in travel status. It provides a flat rate for meals based on the destination of travel.
Q2: What is the advantage of per diem?
A2: Using per diem rates that have been established simplifies the employee travel claim process. You no longer need to keep receipts for meals that you consume while in travel status. You simply receive the flat rate based on your destination. This means fewer things to keep track of – a lost receipt for a meal is no longer an issue.
Q3: Who sets the per diem rates?
A3: The United States General Services Administration, GSA, sets the rates for the continental United States using their own established methodologies. We have chosen to utilize these rates as they are readily available and are used as a standard for providing these rates.
Q4: How will I know what the per diem rate is for where I’m going?
A4: Prior to travel, when submitting a travel request, you would go to and search for “Per Diem Rates” on the menu on the main screen. The link is:
Q5: I am attending a conference where some of my meals will be provided. Am I eligible to receive per diem for these meals? What if I choose not to eat at the conference?
A5: If you are attending a conference and meals are included in the registration fees, you will need to deduct those meals from the maximum per diem rate that you can receive. This is true regardless of whether you eat at the conference or not. As long as the meal is provided in registration fees, you must deduct the meal amount from the per diem rate. Special rules apply to the first and last day of travel; see question #7.
Q6: Am I required to spend the full amount? What if I spend over the amount?
A6: You are not required to spend the full per diem amount on meals. There is no reduction by not spending the full amount, except in the cases of the first/last day of travel. Similarly, if you spend over the listed per diem amount (for example, $20 for breakfast, $30 for lunch and a dinner that runs $60), you only receive the total amount listed for per diem. Any excess is non-reimbursable.
Q7: What is special about the first and last day of travel?
A7: Per GSA guidelines, the first and last day of travel are limited to a maximum of 75% of the eligible per diem rate. Any days in-between those dates are eligible for the full rate, but the first and last are limited to 75%.
Q8: How do I submit travel claims and get the per diem rate?
A8: You can look up the rates on the GSA website for where you are going and enter those figures into the form. See forms on this page.
Q9: Will I know in advance of traveling what my estimated per diem reimbursement will be?
A9: Please fill out the travel authorization form, which will have the per diem amounts factored in as well. This will provide you with an advance idea of what your per diem reimbursement amount will be.
Q10: Can I get an advance on my per diem allowance?
A10: Yes. The board has authorized us to set up a travel advance account. The amount will be advanced at the effective rate and will be based on the rate in effect for the travel destination. Requests for travel advances for conferences should include a conference registration brochure that will outline what meals the conference is providing, so that the appropriate reductions can take place (see question 5). Travel advances are subject to board policy. If you do not travel, or if the actual final per diem amount is less than the amount that you were advanced, you will be required to repay the district for the difference.
Q11: I used my personal credit card to pay for meals while attending a conference. Can I get reimbursed?
A11: Submit a reimbursement claim form with your receipts. Please submit through the normal reimbursement process (end of month payables).
Requisitions & Purchasing
Complete the form properly. The more information you provide, the quicker your order will be processed. Lack of information delays the process. Please write legibly or type requisitions.
- Give the item number (if ordering books use the ISNB number)
- Use current prices
- Carry out extension prices
- Add shipping, if known, or estimate 15% shipping
- Add Eatonville tax rate. All orders delivered here should have this tax rate
- Attach a copy of brochure that shows when & where function is being held
- If staff development money is being used, approval forms should be attached
After completing the requisition forward it to the building secretary for entering online.
The requisition will go through the approval process and be made into a purchase order by Carolyn Cameron. Once the purchase order has been made a copy will be sent to the vendor and a copy will be sent back to the building secretary. When the product has been received or the conference attended the green copy of the purchase order will need to be signed and returned to Carolyn Cameron. The signed green copy shows that the product has been received and any invoices against that purchase order can be paid.
- Make a copy of the requisition for your records
- Make a note of the phone number of the company for future reference
- If you have received your products or attended your conference and haven’t signed the green copy of the purchase order ask your building secretary
Carolyn Cameron
200 Lynch Street W.
PO BOX 698
Eatonville, WA 98328
(360) 879-1000
(360) 879-1086 (Fax)