Eatonville School District Board Policies
School board policies are statements that set forth the purposes and prescribe in general terms the organization and program of the district. They provide general, ongoing guidance and direction to the district.
The major categories for the complete set of policies and regulations are listed in the left pane. Click an item to see the list of policies and regulations for that category. Click an individual policy or regulation to review it as a PDF file.
Policy vs Procedure
Policies are the legally binding and enforceable mechanism by which the board establishes the governance framework of the district. Policy updates, additions and deletions are approved by the board.
A process or plan implementing district policy is commonly defined as an administrative regulation or procedure. The development and implementation of these procedures are appropriately left to the district’s administrators. Procedures guide implementation of the policy, define standard operating procedure, and generally allow room for professional discretion and judgment, as appropriate. Procedures should be reviewed and revised by administrators as policy changes or circumstances warrant. Procedures are not adopted by the board.
Policies and Regulations
Each policy includes cross references, legal references, and the date when the policy was adopted. If applicable, acceptance dates for revisions are also included.
Policies with associated procedures are associated as policy number, with a "P" suffix.
Some policies are associated with forms. A form number is the same as the associated policy number, with an "F" suffix.
Harassment, Intimidation or Bullying
Policies 3207 and 3207P are available in the 3000 series folder.
Eatonville School District's Compliance Officer is Dracy McCoy - Executive Director of Student Services & Assessment, 360-879-1800, PO Box 698, Eatonville, WA 98328.
To report incidences in the schools, Form 3207-F is available and can be reported to the following administrators.
- Eatonville High School - Mrs. Amy Sturdivant
- Eatonville Middle School - Mr. Tim Leipold
- Eatonville Elementary School - Mr. Nick Birklid
- Weyerhaeuser Elementary School - Mrs. Linn Ames
- Columbia Crest A-S.T.E.M. Academy - Ms. Allison Burslem
- Special Services - Ms. Dracy McCoy
For more information please go to the Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction website for information on "The School Safety Center."
School Board Policies
Select the icon to view our School Board Policies in Google Drive.
School Board Policies (click icon)