Agenda & Meetings

anuary Board Meetings


Hearings of Individuals and Groups

The Board will be taking hearings of individuals and groups at their regularly scheduled business meetings on the 4th Wednesday of the month. To speak at a board meeting please arrive prior to the meeting and sign up before the meeting begins.  Each person or group will be given three minutes each to address the board, and total public comment time will be limited to thirty minutes. Please see ESD Policy 1400 for public conduct order. Written comments will also be accepted and must adhere to the same standards discussed in ESD Policy 1400. Please submit written comments to 24 hours prior to the meeting.

Board Agendas

Board Agendas with supporting documentation are provided through Web School Tools and are available to the public.

Please Note: Any person with disabilities that need special equipment or arrangements to participate in a board meeting must contact the superintendent’s office, five working days before the scheduled meeting so that the district can make arrangements for them to participate.

Click on the link below and enter as a public user to view Agendas under the "Go to Meeting" link:

Board Meeting Agendas

Board Meetings

The Board of Directors generally meet on the second and fourth Wednesday of each month at the Eatonville High School Library, 302 Mashell Ave. N. South Hall, Eatonville, WA 98328 at 7pm unless otherwise posted.  For upcoming meetings please view the Board Calendar.

School Board meetings and study sessions are open to the public. The Eatonville District Board of Directors generally holds one regular school board meeting and one study session each month. 

Regular School Board Meetings: General School Board business items. Time is scheduled for audience comment at the start of the meeting. Audience comment is built into this meeting’s agenda for the public to address the board on any topic related to board work.

Study Sessions: Opportunities for the School Board to learn more about specific topics. No decisions or actions are made at study sessions. Audience comment is generally not available at study sessions.

Special School Board Meetings: Held on a date other than a regularly-scheduled board meeting may be needed for the School Board to take action. Notice of these meetings will be posted at least 24 hours prior to the meeting.

Executive Sessions: From time to time, the School Board will meet in executive session. These sessions are not open to the public. State law restricts executive session topics to personnel matters, legal, collective bargaining and real estate issues. Prior to beginning an executive session, the board president will announce the reason for the session, estimated length of the session and whether the board will take action in public after the executive session. The School Board always votes in public.

Previous Board Meetings

Minutes from Previous Meetings can be viewed here.

Video Recordings of previous board meetings can be viewed on Youtube located here.